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HomeEventsLeague Day at the Capitol and the Dedication of the Suffragist Memorial Mural

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League Day at the Capitol and the Dedication of the Suffragist Memorial Mural

Date and Time

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM


Kansas State Capitol
1st Floor
North Hallway
Topeka, KS  

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Public Events

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

League Day at the Capitol

and the

Dedication of the Suffragist Memorial Mural

8:30 am: Registration and Check-In

8:50am-11:20am: Programs and Speakers
11:20 - noon Lunch (provided if pre-registered by Jan 24) or
Lunch on your own (cafeteria is available in building)

Noon: Suffragist Memorial Dedication

1:00: Visits to Legislators/Network


Deadline to Register is January 24th to request a meal. The cost is $10 that will be collected the day of the event.

You can still attend the event even if you can't register for a meal.
Note: Your registration fee does not cover the full event cost, and the League is making up the difference. Please be conscientious of our budget and only register if you are sure you can attend.

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